Sexual Health Education
SIECCAN Resources to Support Comprehensive Sexual Health Education in Canada

Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education
The Guidelines provide guidance to educators and policy makers for the development and evaluation of comprehensive evidence-based sexual health education in Canada
New infographics on youth sexual health education needs
Youth voices are often absent from discussions of sexual health education and program development. SIECCAN asked 3551 youth across Canada about their sexual health and sexual health education needs and experiences. Here are some key findings from our online survey with 16–24-year-olds.

Sexual Health Education Needs Among Youth
Youth in Canada want sexual health education that is inclusive, balanced, and comprehensive.

Sexual Health Education Needs Among Autistic Youth
Improved sexual health education is needed for Autistic youth.

Production of these resources has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Financial contribution from
SIECCAN developed a number of important resources for sexual health educators, policy makers, and other public health professionals via project funding through the Public Health Agency of Canada’s HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund. Previously, this included the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education and Questions and Answers: Sexual Health Education in Schools and Other Settings, as well as other sexual health education resources on COVID-19.
Currently, SIECCAN is develping benchmarks for comprehensive sexual health education for youth. The Benchmarks will provide policy and program decision-makers and educators with a consistent, evidenced-based tool to develop, implement, and evaluate sexual health education programs/curricula that address the age/grade-specific sexual health education needs of the diverse youth population in Canada.