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- Physically Disabled Youth Sexual Health Information Sheets | SIECCAN
The Enhancing Effective Sexual Health Promotion for Autistic and Disabled Youth project is funded by Health Canada’s Health Care Policy and Strategies Program (Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund). Disabled Youth (physical disabilities) Sexual health information sheets VOIR CETTE PAGE EN FRANÇAIS Sexual health educational videos Setting and Maintaining Boundaries in Different Relationships Navigating Disability and Dating Disability and Sexual Activity Setting and Maintaining Boundaries Communicating Consent Cervical Cancer Protecting Yourself from Abuse Birth Control Dating Pregnancy and Physical Disability Developing Positive Sexual Esteem Sexual health information sheets Working Group Acknowledgement Working group members: Adedayo Alabi , Educator, Disability Inclusion Advocate, Community Builder, Consultant Alan Santinele Martino , University of Calgary Alexandra Rego , Bloorview Research Institute and the University of Toronto Amy McPherson , Bloorview Research Institute Andrew Gurza , Disability Awareness Consultant Bobbie Martin , Sex[M]ed Bridget Liang , Disability Research Consultant, PhD Student, Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies at York University Denise McKee , NWT Disabilities Council Erika Cheung , Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Franco Rizzuti , Canadian Association of Physicians with Disabilities (CAPD) Heather Cobb , Sexuality Educator Jay Baldwin , Activist and advocate Jillian Schneidman , Sex[M]ed Lesley A. Tarasoff , Adjunct Lecturer, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Natalya Mason , Social Worker & Consultant Francine Leduc , RAPLIQ (Regroupement des activistes pour l'inclusion au Québec) Steven Laperrière , RAPLIQ (Regroupement des activistes pour l'inclusion au Québec) SIECCAN would like to acknowledge the working group who helped us to develop the sexual health information sheets for disabled youth. The working group consisted of individuals with diverse lived experiences and professional expertise, including disabled people, researchers, community organization representatives, educators, and health service providers. Working group members were consulted at every step of the project and were integral in determining what content to include and how to present the information to best meet the needs of both service providers working in this area and the disabled youth that service providers support. Funded through a contribution agreement with Health Canada’s Health Care Policy and Strategies Program (Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund).
- Home | sieccan.org
The Sex Information & Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) is a not-for-profit charitable organization established in 1964 that works with health professionals, educators, community organizations, governments, and corporate partners to promote sexual and reproductive health. Our Partnerships and Collaborations We are committed to building on existing partnerships and establishing new partnerships and collaborations based on shared objectives. Visit the Portal / Visitez le portail Visit our Promising Practices Portal to access comprehensive, up-to-date Canadian sexual health resources and educational materials. Consultez notre Portail des pratiques prometteuses, pour des ressources et du matériel actualisés d’éducation à la santé sexuelle. 1 day ago ANNOUNCEMENT EXCITING NEW RESOURCES! Sexual Health Information Sheets for Youth with Physical Disabilities SIECCAN is thrilled to launch 7 brand-new educational resources designed to help empower youth with physical disabilities with essential sex Jan 15 2024 in Review for SIECCAN 2024 was a busy year for us over here at SIECCAN! We are thankful to our network of health care professionals and all of your support.... Dec 10, 2024 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE Open Access Article from the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality “This is Killing Me. Please Let Me Leave”: Trans and Non-Binary Youth and Sexual Health Education in Alberta Emile Maine, Teresa Hardy, and Kristopher Wells MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta This qualitative research study is among the first... Nov 4, 2024 NEW RESOURCES! SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS FOR YOUTH WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES SIECCAN is excited to announce the release of two new educational videos for youth with physical disabilities. The videos cover... Latest SIECCAN News See all news from SIECCAN Check out some of our latest projects... Issue Briefs/Reports Sexual Health Education Gender-Based Violence within Sexual Health Education Sexual Health Promotion for Autistic and Disabled Youth SIECCAN updates delivered to your Inbox! Sign up to be notified of new announcements, surveys, resources and more! The Sex Information & Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) is a not-for-profit charitable organization established in 1964 that works with health professionals, educators, community organizations, governments, and corporate partners to promote sexual and reproductive health.
- Physically Disabled Youth | SIECCAN
The Enhancing Effective Sexual Health Promotion for Autistic and Disabled Youth project is funded by Health Canada’s Health Care Policy and Strategies Program (Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund). VOIR CETTE PAGE EN FRANÇAIS Go to page for Autistic youth Disabled Youth (physical disabilities) Resources for service providers and youth Click here to sign up to receive our toolkit evaluation survey Resources Click here to find sexual health information sheets and educational videos for disabled youth Do you want to order printed copies of our Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth toolkit resources? Order copies here Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth Sexual Health Promotion: A Guide for Service Providers Working with Disabled Youth Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth: Easy Read Service Provider Survey: Focus on disabled youth Disabled Youth Focus Groups Funded through a contribution agreement with Health Canada’s Health Care Policy and Strategies Program (Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund). Autistic youth and disabled youth in Canada are underserved with respect to access to comprehensive sexual health education and services tailored to their needs. The Enhancing Effective Sexual Health Promotion for Autistic and Disabled Youth project is funded by Health Canada’s Health Care Policy and Strategies Program (Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund). SIECCAN is developing two capacity-building toolkits to improve service provider knowledge and skills to promote sexual health and well-being among Autistic youth and disabled youth with physical disabilities. Each toolkit includes (1) policy guidelines, (2) a service provider guide, and (3) sexual health information sheets for youth.
SIECCAN News (26)
- EXCITING NEW RESOURCES! Sexual Health Information Sheets for Youth with Physical Disabilities
SIECCAN is thrilled to launch 7 brand-new educational resources designed to help empower youth with physical disabilities with essential sexual health knowledge! These information sheets cover the following key topics: Communicating consent Dating Building positive sexual esteem Birth control Protecting yourself from abuse Cervical cancer Pregnancy & physical disability Who are these for? Youth with physical disabilities – for independent learning or with support from a trusted person. Non-disabled youth – to foster inclusivity and gain insight into important sexual health topics. Families & service providers – to facilitate meaningful discussions and support. The information sheets were co-created with youth with physical disabilities in order to reflect their lived experiences and diverse perspectives. Get the information sheets in English & French here! Stay connected! Follow us on Instagram , BlueSky , and LinkedIn for more updates. NOUVELLES RESSOURCES CAPTIVANTES! Feuillets d’information sur la santé sexuelle pour les jeunes ayant un handicap physique Le CIÉSCAN est heureux de publier sept nouvelles ressources éducatives pour autonomiser les jeunes ayant un handicap physique, grâce à des connaissances essentielles sur la santé sexuelle! Ces feuillets d’information portent sur les sujets clés suivants : Communiquer le consentement Les dates Développer une estime sexuelle positive La contraception Te protéger contre la maltraitance Le cancer du col de l’utérus La grossesse et le handicap physique À qui s’adressent ces feuillets? Jeunes ayant un handicap physique – pour un apprentissage autonome ou avec le soutien d’une personne de confiance. Jeunes non handicapé-es – pour favoriser l’inclusion et découvrir d’importants sujets liés à la santé sexuelle. Familles et prestataires de services – pour faciliter les discussions et le soutien. Ces feuillets d’information ont été élaborés en collaboration avec des jeunes ayant un handicap physique, afin de refléter leurs expériences vécues et leurs perspectives diversifiées. Accédez aux feuillets d’information en français et en anglais ici! Restez connecté-e! Suivez-nous sur Instagram , BlueSky et LinkedIn pour plus de mises à jour. NOUVELLES RESSOURCES CAPTIVANTES! Feuillets d’information sur la santé sexuelle pour les jeunes ayant un handicap physique
- 2024 in Review for SIECCAN
2024 was a busy year for us over here at SIECCAN! We are thankful to our network of health care professionals and all of your support. Last year we released: Benchmarks for Effective Comprehensive Sexual Health Education in Canada and Consultation Report Issue Brief: Survey Indicates Strong Support for Publicly Funded Sexual and Reproductive Heath Services Three Infographics on HPV and the HPV Vaccine I'm a millennial woman: Should I get vaccinated for HPV? The HPV Vaccine: Men, it's about time! For Trans and Non-binary people, the HPV vaccine can enhance autonomous control of sexual health. Educator Guide: Gender-Based Violence Prevention within School-Based Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Sexual Health Education GBV Prevention Portal Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth toolkit Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth ( full version and easy read version ) Sexual Health Promotion: A Guide for Service Providers Working with Disabled Youth 2 information sheets for disabled youth: Disability and Sexual Activity and Setting and Maintaining Boundaries 2 new educational videos for youth with physical disabilities: Setting and maintaining boundaries in different relationships and Navigating disability and dating 2 New Sexual Health Tools Inclusive Sexual Health Assessment: A Guide for Healthcare Providers Condoms Are a Good Choice to Protect Sexual Health Infographic Open Access Article from the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality: “This is Killing Me. Please Let Me Leave”: Trans and Non-Binary Youth and Sexual Health Education in Alberta 2024 était une année bien remplie pour nous ici au CIÉSCAN ! Nous sommes reconnaissants à notre réseau de professionnels de la santé et de tout votre soutien. L’année passée, nous avons publié : Un guide à l’intention des personnes enseignantes : la prévention de la violence fondée sur le genre dans l’éducation complète à la santé sexuelle en milieu scolaire Prévention de la VFG dans l’éducation à la santé sexuelle portail Points De Repère Pour Une Éducation Efficace Et Complète En Matière De Santé Sexuelle et Rapport Sommaire Des Consultations Trousse D’outils Pour La Promotion De La Santé Sexuelle Auprès Des Jeunes Handicapé-es Lignes directrices canadiennes pour la promotion de la santé sexuelle auprès des jeunes handicapé-es ( version intégrale et lecture simplifiée ) Promotion de la santé sexuelle : un guide à l’intention des prestataires de services travaillant avec de jeunes handicapé-es 2 feuillets d’information pour les jeunes handicapé-es : Handicap et activité sexuelle et Établir et maintenir des limites 2 nouvelles vidéos éducatives pour les jeunes handicapé-es: Établir et maintenir des limites dans différentes relations et Gérer le handicap et les « dates »
- Open Access Article from the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality “This is Killing Me. Please Let Me Leave”: Trans and Non-Binary Youth and Sexual Health Education in Alberta
Emile Maine, Teresa Hardy, and Kristopher Wells MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta This qualitative research study is among the first to explore the sexual health education experiences of trans and non-binary (TNB) youth in Alberta and highlights critical gaps and successes found within their formal and non-formal educational environments. TNB youth highlighted how they want access to sexual health education that does not contribute to stigma and shame and is more inclusive of their unique identities and sexual health needs. Key recommendations include prioritizing inclusive 2SLGBTQ+ education and training for teachers, shifting away from cisnormative understandings of sexual health, increasing visibility and representation of non-cishet bodies and experiences in the classroom and media, and prioritizing and including specific TNB information in sexual health curricula that is evidence-based and accessible to all students.